Monday, February 2, 2015

Reflection EL


By the end of this paper work, writer have improve their knowledge and writing in English language. . Grammar is the set of rules that govern the usage of English language. A strong grasp of English grammar is therefore of the greatest importance.Furthermore, this paper work also content knowledge and their writing proficiency. Although learning through the module may achieve a high level of content knowledge, aspects of writer’s writing (e.g., incomplete knowledge of idioms, vocabulary, and writing styles) can suggest a poor grasp of content.
           The module was useful  to teachers and to obtain help in expressing their knowledge effectively and  help provide such cues and relationships when they write interactively with students and make writing a social activity. The module will serve as a resourceful guideline for the reader to write in the correct English syntax without any difficulties. Finally, the module is highly recommended for reader enrolled in basic courses who are in need to develop strong syntactic-writing fundamentals in order to proceed to more advanced writing works at later stages of their academic and/or professional life

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